Are there any good tattoo kits?

Tattooing is a complex and demanding art form, and choosing the right tattoo kit is an important consideration for anyone looking to get into the industry. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which kits are good and which ones aren't. In 2023, this remains an important question for many aspiring tattoo artists.
What makes a good tattoo kit?
A good tattoo kit should include all of the essential supplies you need for tattooing, including a tattoo machine, needles, ink, power supply, stencil paper, and disposable supplies. Additionally, a good tattoo kit should also include high-quality, reliable, and compatible components that meet industry standards and that support your goals as a tattoo artist.
Unfortunately in New Zealand, most kits available will only include the machine, power supply, some needles and a few other random things - as putting together all of the inks etc that are required would be very expensive.
For most people looking to purchase their first kit, they are looking for a cheap option, to get the feel for it and see whether or not it is something they would like to pursue. So the quality of the machine etc is not very important. The importance is more on having all the things on hand needed, as bought individually it is very expensive to set this up.
Toochi Tattoo have put together a full set for a full beginner, and have also put together great options when then looking to upgrade to a high quality tattoo machine etc. If you are looking for a tattoo kit in New Zealand to get started in tattooing then Toochi have put together the best kit for you.
A cheaper pen will still achieve great results, and if you choose to continue with tattooing, then upgrading is a great way to go, once you are committed to it. We have tested even the most basic pen with leading Tattoo Artists in NZ and they were able to do a full tattoo with them without any differences in quality to the tattoo - which is great news for those starting out not wanting to invest too much, too soon.
In conclusion, there are many good tattoo kits available in 2023, and choosing the right one for your specific needs is an important consideration. By choosing a kit that includes high-quality, reliable, and compatible components, you can ensure that your tattooing experience is safe, successful, and fulfilling. Additionally, by considering factors such as the quality of the components, the compatibility of the components with your specific needs, and the reputation of the manufacturer, you can ensure that you are choosing a good tattoo kit that meets your goals and supports your success as a tattoo artist.