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During Tattoo Numbing Gel
During Tattoo Numbing Gel
Toochi Blue Magic During Tattoo Numbing Gel - tattoo numbing aftercare cream | Toochi
Toochi Blue Magic During Tattoo Numbing Gel - tattoo numbing aftercare cream | Toochi
During Tattoo Numbing Gel
Toochi Blue Magic During Tattoo Numbing Gel - tattoo numbing aftercare cream | Toochi

Toochi Blue Magic During Tattoo Numbing Gel


Toochi Blue Magic Numbing Gel

Toochi Blue Magic is our go-to numbing gel for during-procedure relief, designed to keep you comfortable throughout longer tattoo sessions or in extra-sensitive areas.

Why Choose Toochi Blue Magic Numbing Gel?
✓ Quick numbing during your tattoo session
✓ Ideal for long tattoos and sensitive areas
✓ Fast-acting in 1-2 minutes, lasting up to 1-2 hours

Blue Magic is perfect as a standalone numbing option or as a top-up when used alongside our Tattoo Numbing Cream. Apply Toochi Tattoo Numbing Cream before your session for a deep, lasting numb, then use Blue Magic as needed during your tattoo to maintain comfort.

How to Use
Apply a thin layer of Blue Magic to tattooed skin, leave it on for 1-2 minutes, then remove thoroughly before tattooing again. You’ll feel the numbing effect instantly, lasting 1-2 hours per application.

Each bottle includes a standard cap and an additional applicator lid for easy use. Unlike regular numbing creams, Blue Magic can be reused—simply keep the lid tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

Additional Info

  • One bottle lasts multiple tattoos, as only a small amount is needed per application
  • Can be reapplied up to 2-3x per session

Size – 1.2oz / 35ml

Or check out our before Tattoo Numbing Cream here.